Thursday, July 31, 2008

My tips on Felt Fusion.......

Ok so i have been playing with this stuff and here's what I think! Don't think long lengths- think small shapes and what can i use it on?
- Raw chipboard letters and shapes
- Heidi Swapp ghost letters and shapes .....I love this one!!!
- Foam and Felt letters and shapes

or cut out shapes from Transperncy film- which is what i have done on the "JUMP" LO and then embellished with flowers and buttons. I have also used the very large H/S ghost letters... now they look like the KI memories letters you can buy.... how cool is that.... now it's your turn i want to see some LO's with the felt fusion on it... so leave a comment and link and I will check it out!!!!

Ok I have some DT work to do and that album for someone!!!!!! oh and lo's to post and an article to write up!!!!! so thrillled for this one.... and you will loved it too!!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

FELT FUSION....What to do with this stuff thats a little different...

This stuff..... man I use to have a tone of it..... when it first came out.... I had to have every colour!!!! Now I am trying to use it up.... but I am over it...and have decided to revamp it and come up with some funky ways of using it..... so stay tuned I am working on a couple of LO's which will feature this in a couple of different ways....

Mwah xx

"Mini album"

I made this mini album for a girlfriend who is leaving town..... sad :o( so myself and another friend Nina decided that we would fill it with photos of her children and ours.... I just need to add the photos and it will be finished..... we are giving this to her on Thursday night as a going away present......and no she doesn't scrap .... but she has always enjoyed looking thru my albums and stuff.... so I do hope she likes it!!!!
And because I am feeling the LoVe of friendship I thought that would make another one for a scrapping buddy.... its just a RAK from me to you!
leave a comment and one of my gorgeous girls will pick someone!!!!


Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm back.....

I am back........... I wanted to do something different with this blog..... this is where I am going to share my ideas and tricks. I hope you will join in and share with me in recreating what I have shown you. I keep coming back to this saying..... getting the most out of my scrapbooking supply's. I want to make a huge dent in my stash.... so I am on that mission to get started.... so are you with me.....

I will be back with a new banner and a project that I am working on......stay tuned!!!!