Saturday, January 16, 2016

and another new team for 2016... has to do with chipboard!

Yep... excited about being part of this team too. It's been yonkers since I played with chipboard so this will be fun!

Imaginarium Designs

and I have already blogged a couple of projects you can go HERE to see all the details.

"Family snap"

and these cute tags!

Cool, I will see you all again soon...thanks for popping by!

A new team for 2016!

Feeling very excited to  apart of this aussie challenge site!


and my first challenge for the sure to click HERE to get all the details on how to enter!

Kraft + Handwriting
and my sample page...

Catch up posts for ...2016!

Hey... I've been busy and away and my poor blog has missed a few things, so I better play catch up post on a few things.

Lets start with some "The Crafters Workshop" projects!

i made two tags form a little recycling. You can read more about it HERE!



"Strong is the new beautiful"


and this projects just recently.  You can read all about it HERE!

"Mini quote tags"

TCW 12Jan LP

Thanks for popping by!