Wednesday, April 21, 2010

this and that.....

...April guest for this kit club...

I created this layout using their April kit....The handmade bunny is also included in the April kit... you can get more handmade embellishments like this at "Aptly title"

... a little bit of detail ...

... plus my introducing layout... "i am"...

... and i spy i have the layout of the week over at AMM... check it out here on there BLOG ...

... ohhh and i also got SCRAP-JACKED this month too...check it out HERE... and while your there play along...

thanks for popping by mwah xxx


  1. omg these rock, love them both esp the cotton tails one, too cute

  2. Wow Wow I love both of them, you rock with the 2nd one also, I love the poppet of you, and the cotton tails layout is just gorgeous.

  3. Leanne, I just Love, Love, LOVE your 'Cotton Tails'!! Such amazing depth and detail, the rabbit is just super cute

    Congrats on the feature

  4. Awesome lo's, that first one is just amazing, I love it!

  5. wow - two of my favourite scrapping things combined (Leeann and Kreatorville!!) How awesome - loved your layouts. I must return the favour and scraplift one of yours sometime very soon. I'll put it on my 'to do' list (which is quite long!!)

  6. Great layouts! I really enjoy looking at your blog!

  7. wow!!! totally awesome.. love what you have done.

  8. These are both amazing - love the one of's so cute...xoxo

  9. oh i love the I am layout so fun.. and yep you rock.. love the details.. the randomness... the amazingness... and the funness.. super.


Thanks so much for taking the time to pop in and leave a comment. I really do appreciate your time and comments!