"Jorja Claire Pearce"
15th July 09
6.25 pm
Birth weight : 4160 g
Length : 53 cm
Head : 34 cm

Oh my what a long week it has been for me and Jorja...... let alone my DH with the big sisters! I was 38 weeks and the doctor wanted to induce me as I was showing signs of pre-eclampsia and things were not looking good.... so on Tuesday nite 14 th july I pick DH up from the airport, he had been in Port Hedland for 2 weeks. Oh and the plane was delayed so we had to just go straight to the hospital. Where my Doc did his thing to get me started for the big day being tomorrow/ Wednesday. Oh and do you think I could sleep I knew exactly what I was in for .... anyway the big day came..... i am going to keep this short as time is something i don't have much of right now.....lol the labour was hard work as this little one was not even down in the pelvic I had lots of exercises to do and alot of pushing. I needed the "GAS".......... anyway after alot of pushing and hours going by she came into the world. We didn't know the sex so this was an awesome surprise .... we are extremely excited that we got ourselves another girl..... Jorja looks exactly like Holly and Storm when they were born! My DH had that same look on his face with Holly and Storm and I could tell he was just as thrilled as I was.
I ended up losing alot of blood and was looking very ill...... I ended up having a blood transfusion on Sunday 19th July as I had not got any better thru the week. Can I say "WOW" that certainly put some life back into me!!! Anyway DH and the girls came and picked me up yesterday Monday 20th to bring Jorja and I home.
Oh yeah I have nickname her already.... I can't help but call her "Squishy"
A comment from DH last nite...... How cute do the little clothes look hanging up!!!!
From Holly....... mummy she's totally awesome...giggle giggle!!!!
From Storm...... Can I play with all her toys please!!!!
Anyway I leave you with that for now and will be back at some time for another update hopefully with some new baby scrap Layouts!!!!!
mwah xxx