"Color Combo 122"

"Tubbie Toast"

Ok so here is my take on this weeks color challenge at
color combo galores. Come on over and check all the girls LO's .... they really are awesome and it's a great way just to get some scrapping down..... This is my DD2 Storm making tubbie toast... I came in to find her with all the lids off the milk bottles and jam jar, she was pressing them into the bread and then toasting them... and told me she was making us tubbie toast for breakfast! Way too cute I reckon...lol... oh and spot my chippie which I sprayed with glimmer mist...man that stuff is totally awesome.... I am going to get heaps more colours... I love how quick it dries!
mwah xx
Gorgeous layout Leeann! xxx
Awesome LO, Leanne.Did you do the pink spray on the paper as well? Its fantastic. You DD2 is cute making breakfast. Chat soon
Love it! Love the chippie too!
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