I'm just teasing you with this post...... lets just say that I've something for you all.... the
HOW TO'S coming soon... plus there's more so keep your eyes peeled
@ the boxx.... it's got something to do with me and my pens /paints ...........
"oodles of chrissy doodles".....hmmmmmm
..."a little bit of up up and away doodles"...hmmmmmm
..."felt yo yo's and denim buttons"..... oooooooooooh
...More handmade stuff...... whats the background miss wally....I say comic books are in...lets get a trend started Australia.....
Ok I know I need a slappin ....thats all ya gonna get from me today..... I'm off to have fun tonite and teacher a class.... so they will get to see this stuff IRL.....
bye licking and sticking scrappie mates.......................... miss wally's gonna get ya!!!
Teeeeeease LOL :) xxx
i hear you Leeann .. bring on the comic revoulution!! LOL!!
woot woot.... cant wait....
woot woot.... cant wait....
Lovin the sneak peaks Leann! Will be watchin this space like a kid waiting for the guy in a big red suit!!!
lol Leeann love the sneaks
Thanks lovely lady, I can't wait to have a go! I was so far past devastated that I didn't join you friday... I was just too damn tired to even move out of my own way friday lol.
Decided to have a crack at your comic idea/challenge...it's different, noice.. unusual... lol Hope you pop by to check it out.
Happy scraps :)
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