My sweet DD storm designed these special reindeer's for her teachers... she drew on some foam and i cut them out... and we embellished them together... added in some hand stitching and fun doodling as that's what she loves to do herself... now all i want to do is get a cookie cutter made using storm's design... i think it's real sweet... so if you can help me find someone who makes them... give me a shout...

and take another look over here because the scrapping clearly has something new to look at...... OH SO want them.....
looks like your little superstar is as talented as mum ..... they are absolutely so gorgeous. hope you have a twinkly sparkly Christmas and wonderful new year. Thinking of you.
Steph xo
Storm is so very clever. How cute are those reindeer, her teachers will love them.
Ohhhh, these are sooo cute!! Maybe she could design her own set of chippies!!!! Talented girl you got there Leeann... but it's no wonder :-)
storm, it appears you are following in your mothers footsteps!! keep embracing your creativity sweetie!!
Well done Storm!!! They are super duper cute:)
HOpe you guys have a fantastic Christmas and Santa finds you all:)
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