Wednesday, May 19, 2010


...what to win some yummies from my shop... 

"wear my blinkie on your page"

1: Save  the above picture to your computer.
2: Upload to your side bar on your blog
3: Link it back to my shop
4: Leave a comment for me to see

and I'll  pick a winner Sunday 23rd May


amanda73 said...

its on the side bar of my blog now.
thanks for the chance to win some of your yummo stuff...but you know i wouldve put the pic on my blog regardless of the chance to win...
you can view it on my blog at

Anonymous said...

Yep done, I hope you get lots of traffic from it :)

Stacey Young said...

I have added to my blog now....please pick me I am due for more of your!!!!!

Anonymous said...

woot! thanks for the chance to play with some of your stuffies-i hope that next week is better for me and that i get to shop a bit!!!!

i love your bloggie!

here is my link:


Unknown said...

YAY a blinkie!!! Its on my blog, thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous stuff!!

Her Essential Hand said...

all done :)
got my order today, THANKYOU :) x

Annette Edmonds said...

Hi Leeann done and dusted this is my blog
cheers Annette xo

Debbie Lawrence said...

All done chickie. Wow you have been so busy creating some gorgeous stuff.

Belinda said...

Added it to my blog....reguarly check your blog to see what your up to...just love the crearions you come up with!

here's my link

Leanne J said...

WOot Woot definately in this one..yay..
thanks for the chance..yay

Nicolee said...

well Leeanne...I've had a go...thinking it's worked!!!

love checking out ur blog and inspirational!!!
thanks for the comp!

Paty Proença said...

I just add it on the side bar of my blog!
I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

It's on my blog.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Sarah Louise said...

Oh i am a huge fan so already have a link in my blog sidebar but now its complete with a piccy. Keep up the good work.

kathie said...

Oh, I am so very bad at updating my blog layout. But I will let you know that I have been very busy scrapping with your stuff :). And one layout is destined for SC, and the other for an OS mag. Weeeee!

Lynnette Davis said...

I'd be happy to post your link badge on my blog. .... Got it there now at: I checked out your Etsy shop and there are some things in there that have caught me eye. I've been admiring your work over at The Color Room and found your blog link on the blog hop page. Thought I'd come by and scope out your's always so much fun to look at.

bappleicious said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bappleicious said...

Done - thanks for the opportunity to win your awesome goodies
My blog is

Ebony van der Starre said...

Have done this happily for you Leeann!

Debbie said...

It's on my blog! Just used some of your yummy creations on a layout! Hope I win!

Trudi Harrison said...

Your chippie designs are awesome and I am now wearing you proudly under as a 'lovely link' on my blog

Fern said...

You bet I want to play... I love your yummy etsy things... I'm so glad I found your blog!!! Hugs!!

Peggy said...

Done, it's on the side bar of my blog, and that's where it will stay. Thanks for a chance to win Leeann!
xxx Peggy

Nina said...

added to my blog Leeann ... thanks for the opportunity to win some chip chop goodness

Sandra Allan said...

Love your stuff... it is gorgeous... and just so funky and up my ally... I have followed your rules to enter... i just hope i Have done it right.. im a bit of a blog blondie!

Melissa said...

I'm Loving your creations!
I've added your Etsy shop button to my blog at