Today I get to be apart of a wonderful celebration.
and there are so many wonderful prizes to be won.... Clique Kits is giving away the September kit as a prize. I've used a few of the products on my page.... so many cool items in this kit!
You've got to be in it to win!

Take a look at the sketch...

and here's my take using some of the September Clique kits!

and here's our amazing line up...
Stuck Sketches http://stucksketches.blogspot.com/
Aliza Deutsch - http://peopleofthescrapbook.blogspot.com/
Janice Daquila-Pardo http://www.theconstantscrapper.com/
Caroli Schulz - http://www.carolinaschulz.com/
Monique Liedtke http://moniquesscrapbook.blogspot.ca/
Jenessa Frank Franco http://www.jenessafranco.blogspot.com/
YOU ARE HERE ...Leeann Pearce http://thepaintbrushgoesspottie.blogspot.com.au/
NEXT ...Kerryn Fry http://www.harrysscrappinmum.blogspot.com.au/
Maryam Perez http://maryamperez.blogspot.com/
Danie Ramirez Diakun http://scrappydanie.blogspot.ca/
Nicole Martel http://nicolemartel.blogspot.com/
Vivian Lake http://www.viviansdesk.blogspot.com/
Clique Kits https://cliquekits.wordpress.com/
Good luck and have fun hopping and creating!